Creationism and Spontaneous Generation

Well, Yet again, an angry group of christians have started a campaign to teach "creationist science" in schools. Personally, I think that this would make a wonderful addition to our flat earth, four elements, spherical universe program. Oh. Wait. I forgot. We don't have a program like that. Nobody does. There is not one school that teaches its students that the world is flat, or that they are made up of some combination of earth, fire, water, and wind. Perhaps those angry campaigners should push for teaching these things first.

Or perhaps we should just devote some of the learning time of our children towards the theory of spontaneous generation. You remember spontaneous generation, don't you? From the seventeen hundreds? It was that theory that animals were spontaneously made from things like bricks! Men like Van Helmont did extensive research on this! Supposedly, mice were created by leaving wheat out for approximately twenty-one days, maggots were made from meat, and mushrooms and worms were made from dirt. Of course, we now know that this doesn't happen at all. This has not changed the fact, however, that there are people who want us to tell our children that this happened once a while ago, but it doesn't work like that anymore.