Pictures I Stole from the Public Library

See him? He's the one in the hat!
Remember the band "The Knack?" They released the wonderfull, yet messed up song, "My Sherona."

That sick, sick, boy.
Here we see The band "The Kingsmen." They delighted us with the lyrically messed-up song "Louie Louie."

E-boy with a fro!  My God!
This picture of Lionel Richie. Dancing on the ceiling, my ass.

We all live in a yellow submarine.
Sure, we all loved the beatles... All five of them. Ever wonder where they got those crazy ideas about yellow submarines or some chick with kaleidoscope eyes?

Are they all going to share one surfboard?
Here is the Beach Boys. Gosh, that one in the hat sure looks out of place...

See, this guy was always white!
Gosh, even Michael Jackson! Well, I suppose with songs like "Beat It" and "Bad", there had to be some sort of foul play going on.