The Fight for Religious Freedom Overseas

Last Week, a small band of wickens held another protest rally to let their oppressors know that they were not going to be pushed around any more and and that they did indeed have the God-given right to practice whatever religion they chose to. This proved ineffective, however, as the Vatican City government remained unmoved to their cause and responded only by arresting the protesters.

Apparently, Vatican City is one of the few countries left in the world that does not offer religious freedom to its inhabitants, and there have been no motions made in an appempt to change this fact. The wickens were simply told to move to Italy or somewhere else if they were not happy with Catholocism, but that offer was not taken kindly. Instead the angry wickens wrote a mob of letters to the UN, explaining the oppression of their religion and how they were being forced from their homes by the VC government.

Many members of the protest group were arrested that day, several claiming police brutality, and some even claiming that they were held inside a box and forced to make confessions. The leader of the protest group was among the arrested members, and is currently serving ten Hail Marys.