Ask Bishop Prevalance

Bishop Prevelance answers all of your religous questions

Dear Bishop,
If good people are to recieve riches when they are in heaven, why can't we take out a sort of loan on our soul?

-Personally, I have taken out several such "loans." You on the other hand have little to offer for collateral.
-Bishop Prevalance

Dear Bishop,
I noticed that it really doesn't say anything about embezzlement in the bible. Does that mean it is ok for me to embezzle money, and if not, what if I embezzle money to feed my family, and spend my paycheck on other things?

-You see, embezzlement does not hurt other people. It hurts corporations and other such entities not covered by the bible. In this case, we would call your sin a victimless one, which means it is ok as long as nobody else knows about it.
-Bishop Prevalance

Dear Bishop,
With all this talk about cloning humans going about, I am really spiritually concerned. Is it right for two people to have the exact same genetic information?

-No, and I am glad you asked, because this is a good opportunity for me to yet again bring up my argument for the killing off of one of each set of identical twins for the very reason you mentioned. It is definitely evil for them to both have the same genetic information, so one of the two must clearly be a product of the devil.
-Bishop Prevalance