Tuesday October 31st, 1995
Volume 2, Special Issue 4
Halloween Eve
-by Mitch Babcock

She was running with the wind to her back, running from the people that she could no longer tolerate. She had decided that morning that she would no longer abide by her parents rules. And since her parents always said that if she wouldn't obey their rules she could not live under their roof, she left. So, she dressed for the day, packed a few things in her small red suitcase, and ran out the door before her parents even expected her to be up.
She had no idea where she was heading, or where she would go, but for the time being, anyplace would do as long as she was far from home. She slowed to a walk and surveyed the houses as she passed. The jack o' lanterns lined the streets with their smiles of evil. They seemed to laugh at her as she passed, and she began to cry as she felt so alone. She did nothing but look at the ground and walk for what seemed like hours.
The sun was peeking over the summit of the hills, but to Darla,the skies were clouded over, and she could feel the first drops of October rains. By this time she was headed out of the town and into the country side that reached for miles beyond.
She paused on the side of the stone road and looked around her. There were wooded areas to her sides and ahead, and behind her was the clearing where the town was planted. She headed for the woods in the east and found a large rock to sit on and rest. She could hear the water rushing down a stream somewhere ahead. Above she could hear the shrill cries of the black birds as they soared overhead in search of the dead. The wind was rustling the leaves that remained in the trees, and they seemed to be clapping as if to reward her for her freedom.
She rose to her feet and even though they still ached a little, she forced herself to walk. The sky was clouding over and the shadows seemed to be embracing her with clod hands. She stopped and opened her suitcase and took out a navy blue sweatshirt that she brought along and slipped it over the t-shirt that she was wearing.
Darla came to the stream that she had heard earlier, and on her knees, she cupped her hands into the water. The numbing cold didn't bother her as thirsty as she was. She continued to drink of the cold water as she glanced around. In the wooded area ahead, she caught a glimpse of a small cabin. If it weren't for her keen eyes, the cabin wouldn't appear to be anything but another clump of trees.
Out of curiosity and need for a place to rest, she looked up and down the stream for a way to cross, there was none. Deciding that it wasn't very deep, she stepped into the water and the cold fingers clawed at her legs. She carefully stepped one foot in front of the other to prevent from slipping and being swallowed by a cold blanket of water. She came up on the other side and looked to the cabin ahead. Here the cabin was more visible and even more haunting to her. She debated on if she should go in or just continue on her way. It looked as if nobody lived in the shack, and that was what she wanted, was to be alone.
She paused at the foot of the door and placed her hand on the rusty knob. It gave easily as she pushed it open. The ancient smell of decay made her step back as she looked around from outside the door. She decided not to let her imagination get the best of her, so she willed herself to enter, leaving the door open behind.

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